Just Do It

Just do itI have always been passionate about personal and professional development, as most of you will know! So whilst on a recent trip to India, I was incredibly excited to attend 2 days of Inspiration, organised by my amazing mentor Sue Knight.

One of the sessions was hosted by Nishith Shah and called ‘Just Do It’. Instantly I was intrigued!

Nishit asked us all to think about times in our lives when we have just done it… from making a cup of tea, popping out to the shops etc. Occasions when there had been no pondering or procrastinating, just doing.

For me – creating spreadsheets is something that I can just do! I often say to my Career Ambitions business partner Katherine – “I’ll just knock up a spreadsheet” As weird as it may sound, I love compiling them!

Nishith asked us to look deeper and think about how we “Just do it”. By understanding the structure of our own strategies we can use this learning for other areas of our lives.

In my video, I have shared with you a number of elements to consider so that you can discover your own strategies.

And for me I discovered that I definitely like having a big Nike tick in my mind – a sense of achievement.

Before this moment, I had never sat down and thought about how I ‘Just Do It’. Now, I can take these realisations and map them onto other areas of my life… for example exercise! That’s something that hasn’t come easily to me and I would often do anything to put it off. Now I get up, get on and just do it.

At Nishith’s session he then asked us all to think of something that we just wanted to do and then take action. The energy in the room was vibrant – and there was so much buzz afterwards with people sharing what they had already achieved – I did 25 squats!!

If you would like to discover your own strategies of how you “Just Do It”, then my video has a few tips on what to identify for yourself.

And I challenge you to think of three things that you “Just Do It”. What is the correlation between them? Look at how you do these things and how you are able to just do them so easily. Now take way that knowledge, treasure it and apply it to other areas in your life…..and take action!

A huge thanks goes to Nishith for a truly inspiring session and for giving me permission to write about his session.

Lindsey Reed is an experienced NLP coach and trainer – getting the brilliant you to shine through. To see how you can improve your personal and working life contact Lindsey either by emailing her on lindsey@glows-coaching.co.uk or call 01832 280168 for a chat to see if she is the right coach for you. Alternatively you may be interested in booking onto the next Confidence Workshop or work through the “How to be Confident” Home Study Programme so that you discover the Confidence within yourself.



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