Confidence Networking

Lindsey’s Lightbulb Moment 

This week’s short video is from a very deluxe hotel room at the Reebok Centre in Bolton where I was attending an Entrepreneur Event. The Event reminded me that many people dread the thought of networking or being in crowds of people. If you have your own business then this can hinder you and the business moving forward, so networking with confidence is a skill to develop.

I’ve realised that the video hasn’t given you many tips – my apologies – I think I was rather too chuffed at being given a deluxe suite rather than a standard room! So some tips for you are:

  • Be prepared – what is your intention for the Network? Is it to build relationships? Meet someone specifically? Learn? Also make sure you have enough Business cards (if relevant)
  • Research – Are you able to research about other people attending? People love to hear that you know about them and this can help build instant rapport
  • Dress appropriately – First impressions do count – if you have egg on your face you will get noticed – for the wrong reasons
  • Listen….really listen to the other person – listen out for their name and make sure you say it so that you have a better chance of remembering their name
  • Ask open questions so that you find out more about the other person “How…What… Where…When…Who…”
  • Your Story  – We all love to hear a story – so practice telling your story – succintly. How can you make this interesting – how do you benefit others?
  • Be Positive – don’t knock your competition, the venue, moan or be negative – it can damage your credibility
  • Relax – Remember that there will be many people that also dislike networking – you are not the only one. You could even look out for others that feel shy and talk to them – they may well really appreciate it
  • Stand Balanced – By standing balanced with equal weight on each foot – you are unconsciously informing your brain that you are feeling balanced. Our bodies and minds are interconnected – this can enable you to feel more confident

Enjoy the short video…not often you will see me lying on a bed!

If you are interested in developing skills and confidence at business networking events then click here to find out more or contact me to register your interest.

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